
Hi, my name is Jill, and I used to be smart.

One of my friends just recently started grad. school, and when I look back at my experience, I don't know how I managed to get through it. I mean, the issue of "the relationship" and all of the additional work that ensued aside, I don't think I could write another 10+ page paper again for the life of me.

How is it that I used to be able to start and finish a book over the course of a day, and start writing a paper about it with some sort of major theory application at 10pm the day before it was due, and always manage an A? WEIRD. What were my professors thinking?!

And trusting me with students of my own??? Woah, people. I'm surprised that they learned anything. But miraculously... they did. And I loved it. And most of them seemed to love it (or were good at pretending, and for that, bonus points to them).

I guess it all boils down to me being extremely grateful for going to grad school immediately after getting my BA, because now that I have free evenings and weekends, I don't really want to give them up anymore. And I couldn't write a paper and sound smart. But, damn, if I couldn't in grad school!

I want to do...

...this. Is it too late? Morbid? Fun? YES!

Going to pick up the boy from the airport soon. I don't think I'll mention this sudden desire.

Thanks, beautiful, for the link!


Blogging again, yay!

Here's where I hope it doesn't turn out like those journals I started and threw into the back of my closet, or my last blog where I posted twice and never returned to it again. I've had this one "on reserve" for the last eight months or so (yes, I was in the "old cube" at the time, so that's how long it's been), but I'm hopeful that this one will actually come through and survive.

No, not all posts will be about my relationship woes, but that's what has been on my mind lately, especially since we're really not going to have one-on-one time until over a month for now.

**We interrupt this regularly scheduled program to bring you this important news**

Oh god. Paris Hilton is in Veronica Mars? Why was I not made aware of this atrocity?! And someone was dissing Weeds for having an Olsen twin in it this season?! Woah, hypocrite (You know I love you)!

**Okay, I'm back**

I hope this will contain a plethora of stuff rather than sticking to one topic... but you can expect it to be a mish-mash of what's on my mind. Welcome to the party.